
This is your starting point, all information about the site can be found from here from start to finish.
Important new memos or flash plots for Kingcraft will be posted here, keep your eyes peeled to stay on top of the going-ons of the world.

Database Hub

This is the location of the application code and where you post your pending applications. Face claims are also listed in this board.
Once a character has been accepted it will be organized here by grouping and locked. If you need to edit a character please inform a staff member and it can be moved to pending for editing.
Here are the plot boards split out by grouping or clan for the idea of clan specific plotting and organization.
Trackers and individual character plotters should be placed here, neither are required but they are helpful tools.
INSIDE: Trackers, Plotters

Shizume Town

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Shizume is known of it's shopping locations, from upscale boutiques to outdated consignment shoppes. A little bit of everything can be found if someone knows where to look.
This is a public Shinto shrine dedicated to the mountain gods, the main gate is easy to access from the city, but it is a bit of a hike to reach the shrine proper. This is the new territory of the Colourless King, Akihiko Hayashi .
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This park includes lake Kawagushiko and is known for it's herb and flower gardens. Relax in the calming setting that seems to be it's own world removed from the crush of daily life.
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Streets and alleyways, apartments and houses, this is the general placement of unmentioned locations.

Ashinaka Island

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Tokyo Metropolis

This is the location of the special police force, Scepter 4, that monitors those that the normal police are unable to handle.
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Set almost within the center of Tokyo Metropolis this tower is said to be the epicenter of the government and business world for Japan.
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The business district is mostly made of office buildings and busy streets, but there are smaller shops set around the city.
This shrine is set in the heart of a bustling city and yet still offers spacious shrine grounds and walking paths in a deepest forest setting.
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Streets and alleyways, apartments and houses, this is the general placement of unmentioned locations.

Other Places

Unlisted cities and locations, Japan has more key places that are easy to access.
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The underground passageways have exits leading almost anywhere, but are well hidden and the doorways only open via <jungle> server access.
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Out of Character

This is where your creativity rules, be it through art, templates, and more. Please remember to be respectful.
This is a guest friendly board solely for the use of advertising, this is the only location that advertising is permitted. Please link in the correct sub-board.

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